Dato: 7. december 2021, kl. 16:00
Dansk Forening for Europaret
Danish Association of European Law
Association Danoise pour le Droit Européen
Dänische Gesellschaft für Europarecht
Medlemsarrangement: "Posting of Workers in EU Law: Challenges of Equality, Solidarity and Fair Competition"
Tirsdag den 7. december 2021 er Dansk Forening for Europaret vært for et spændende oplæg ved Dr. Matteo Bottero, Københavns Universitet, om "Posting of Workers in EU Law: Challenges of Equality, Solidarity and Fair Competition".
Arrangementet afholdes hos: Advokatfirmaet Poul Schmith, Kalvebod Brygge 32, 1560 København V.
Kort beskrivelse af oplægget, som vil foregå på engelsk:
Matteo Bottero's presentation on ‘Posting of Workers in EU Law: Challenges of Equality, Solidarity and Fair Competition’ is based on the speaker's recent book and latest research findings.
It deals with the multifaceted and intensely debated phenomenon of posting of workers – the practice whereby a worker is sent for a limited period of time to another Member State in order to provide a service – as a peculiar pattern of intra-EU labour mobility from an EU law perspective.
Touching upon the actual quantitative dimension of the posting phenomenon and its impact on the EU labour market, also in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Bottero's presentation challenges the recently adopted Directive (EU) 957/2018, which came into effect in July 2020. In the process, the speaker exposes a serious misalignment of the newly introduced legal framework with the EU values and principles of equality, solidarity and fair competition. He concludes with a reflection on the role of the European Union towards the concrete realization of a ‘European social model’.
Kort beskrivelse af oplægsholderen:
Matteo Bottero is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Private Governance (CEPRI) at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen (Denmark). His main research fields include EU law, EU constitutional law, EU labour law, EU migration law, and European integration. He obtained his PhD in Law from the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, in September 2020, with a PhD thesis entitled ‘Posting of Workers in EU Law: Challenges of Equality, Solidarity and Fair Competition’, under the supervision of Professor Ulla Neergaard. In the first half of 2021, Dr. Bottero worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in EU Law at the Brexit Institute and School of Law and Government, Dublin City University (Ireland). Besides his research activity, he has been also a
Lecturer in EU Law, Advanced EU Constitutional Law, and European and International Human Rights Law at the University of Copenhagen and Dublin City University.
Dansk Forening for Europaret
Danish Association of European Law
Association Danoise pour le Droit Européen
Dänische Gesellschaft für Europarecht
Tilmelding til mødet bedes ske skriftligt til foreningens sekretariat v/ advokat Andreas Christensen, Horten Advokatpartnerselskab, Philip Heymans Allé 7, Box 191, 2900 Hellerup, på foreningens hjemmeside www.europaret.dk eller på følgende e- mailadresse: [email protected].
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